Oh man where to start, so much has happened so far! I suppose I'll go chronologically.
At the airport I did not allow myself to sit down until I got on the plane. The idea of fourteen hours in one seat scared me into making laps around LAX. Once on the plane, I sat in my aisle seat, that was part of a three seat row- in the middle of the plane. Soon after I sat down, an older man sat on the other aisle seat. We kept waiting for someone to sit in the middle of us. When the plane began to taxi we were delighted that no one sat next to us! I would not have been able to sleep as well with someone in that seat! I got to curl up and sleep as well as one can in a slightly seated position in two seats, instead of one!
On the plane, I started to write in a journal and had a hard time dating it. I went over so many different time zones. I decided to call it Time Lala Land. With all the time changes, I settled on saying that I completely skipped over Monday. What a day to skip, right? I'm a lucky girl! It wasn't just a random skipping mind you. I left late Sunday night in California and got to Auckland, NZ on Tuesday afternoon!
I had a quick layover in Sydney, Australia. As it was time to board the plane, I heard a very muffled, accented voice telling me we are boarding about twenty-five minutes late. I was actually happy to hear it! I wanted time to walk around the airport stores. It doesn't quite count as visiting Australia, but I hope to get back there. I had a window seat on the flight from Sydney to Auckland. The view from the plane was beautiful.
In Auckland, New Zealand, I waited in many lines going through customs. Finally, I walked out and saw Gendie and Sam waiting for me. Sam was so sweet. He gave me a huge hug and a kiss right away. Then, within a minute of knowing me, he told me he loved me. In the car, he kept saying my name in his cute accent. He was also full of questions and stories for me. He is very sweet. I didn’t get to meet Oli until later because he was at school. I'll get to him in a minute--remember my plan to go chronologically?
We stopped by a grocery store on the way home. I was relieved to see it looks quite like a grocery store you would see in The States.
This is my first time somewhere where they drive on the other side of the road. Even as a passenger, I was quite confused. I was sitting in the front left seat where one would usually drive. Oh, it’s completely flipped around! I’m glad they do not live in the city because I can get accustom to driving on the country roads first. As we drove, Gendie pointed out landmarks, road names and cool stores. I only half-way understood everything she was saying due to my tiredness, Sam talking in backseat, her accent and unfamiliar words.
The other side of the road perspective |
Once we got into Waimauku, we drove to their neighbor's place to pick up Oli. He was picked up from school by their neighbor’s nanny, Caitlin, who happens to be from California as well, Chico to be exact! I finally got to meet her, the kids she watches, and more importantly Oli. He was shy at first but then he and Sam broke into song--a song they learned about me. Can you guess? They learned “Jenny, I got your number” it was adorable to hear. They still sing it every once in a while after saying my name. But only Oli remembers my "phone number".
Then, we drove back to their house, my new house. It very conveniently decided to pour down rain as we were carrying in my things and groceries. Sam gave me the tour, which was a quick run through of the house followed by a long detour in his room to play puzzles! Then, Gendie came to get us to walk around the property. We put on our gummies (rainboots) and tromped around in the mud. I met their goats, Scrampy and Spooky and their chickens. Saw all the plants they planted in their garden, as well as the natural fauna. It's so beautiful and green!
The house, from where the goats live. |
Next, we had dinner. Tim made sure I had wine to drink during dinner. I gave them a bottle of Wild Horse Chardonnay from Paso. I said I had trouble picking the type of wine so I chose chardonnay since that's what I like. Tim said that I will soon be cured of my chardonnay liking. I guess chardonnay wasn't the best choice after all.
After dinner, the boys headed to bed and so did I! I had a great first day, well half day, meeting and getting to know the family. I was surprised I was able to stay awake so late. It was around 2:00 am California time when I finally got into bed after over twenty-four hours of traveling.
My bed! |
The boy's beds |
I would have liked to post all this before going to bed on my first night but I was too sleepy! Since I didn't, I am going to continue my story because so many more interesting things have happened.
I went with Gendie to drop the boys off at school. I was very interested to see the boy’s schools. I looked around at Oli’s Year One classroom. There were lots of cool projects hanging around. All things a future teacher very much enjoyed looking at.
Sam’s school or daycare was very cool. The first thing I saw when I walked in was a dog inside the daycare center. Oscar was a sweet doggie. In a short time, Sam took me outside to the play structure. Wow, this playground, I should get a picture of it. It would NEVER fly in The States. Everywhere you look was a lawsuit waiting to happen--ropes, wiggly walking boards, you name it. No lawsuits here in NZ or at least less. Maybe their wild and slightly dangerous play structures are what led their country to be known as the adventure capital of the world. Humm, that's a discussion for another time, but something to think about.
Then Gendie took me on a driving tour. We saw the beautiful beach and many walking trails I would love to go on asap. I asked her when I will start driving, she suggested in a few days so I get used to the perspective. But later they unexpectedly had to run into Auckland city. So I went to pick up Sam from school. I just jumped in the car and drove on the other side of the road.
Muriwai Beach, it's the Tasman Sea |
Beautiful right? Very stormy though.
Driving on the other side of the road was an adventure in itself--hence the grand title of my blog. Everything is all turned around. I kept turning on the windshield wipers when I wanted to turn on a blinker. When it started to rain I turned on the blinker instead of the wipers! Oh man, a mess! And I had to REALLY focus about which the side of the street I should be on. I kept asking myself, "Are you on the right side of the road? No, not the right side, the correct side, the left side. Yeah. Alright good." Repeat that internal Jenny dialogue for the whole twenty minute drive and you are in my head, welcome!
The weather is not the best right now, to put it lightly! I am FREEZING! It’s very stormy. It hailed today and the power was out for a while. Apparently, the winter is dragging on into spring. Is it summer yet???? This storm is as bad as the worst you would see once a year in California. I had to steal a pair of Tim's wool socks to warm me up because my tiny ankle socks are not cutting it here in freezing-cold-land. I'll ask again--is it summer yet?
The weather complaint being said, I did suck it up and put on a coat to play outside with Sam today. We had a blast. We walked around the property, jumped on the trampoline and played with bikes and their dog, Coco. When Oli got home the boys played in the mud. No, not just stepping in it. Picking it up and making balls out of it and throwing it into the bushes. Very boy like --they had a blast!
I've been so busy thus far. I have to keep coming back to finish my blog then needing to add more! Don't expect so much detail next time!
Catch ya later America! I'm trying not to miss you! Skype soon!