I just helped carry a yacht to it's dock on the water! The yacht is really a small row boat to go on the pond but I am so excited to use it! It was too dark and buggy to take it out on the pond tonight!
Today was one of those days I wish I had a camera glued to my hand! I want to make an animal album with all the animals I have seen! Today I saw the baby cows I have been meaning to take pictures of. A rat, I actually would never want a picture of that but I saw it today so it's included in this story. Teeny-tiny baby turkeys who may have no daddy because I ate him but I still wanted a picture because they looked cute for having such an ugly mommy! And the thing I wish I had my camera for the most...a wild male peacock! He was so pretty and I hear peacocks at night all the time and finally saw one! Another awesome picture would have been of Sam fast asleep in the car with food spilling out of his mouth! Oh I just never know when I'll need it, mental pictures I guess!
My favorite baby zebra as a stand in for the pictures I did not get to take today! Isn't he adorable?! |
I did have my camera this weekend when I met a bunch of girls from around the world. I took many pictures I have yet to put up on Facebook--"the stalker website"! Often we hear negative comments about Facebook but it is great for some things, keeping in touch with old friends and meeting new ones! That sentence inspired me to sing this "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold! Anyway, all the girls I have been meeting via Facebook are also au pairs/nannies in the Auckland area! I now have friends from; Belgium, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the UK and the east coast of America and the group is still growing! Each and every girl is so sweet and fun! It's easy because we are all away from home therefore very open to meeting new people. And we are all taking care of kids and not so familiar with each other's culture so we have lots to talk about! I love learning about other parts of the world from the girls as well as bashing stereotypes of California! Some people think California has no farms and is all beach and full of girls like on the Hills. I am grateful for the beaches, the farms and especially grateful I am not a girl from the Hills or even remotely like one! I partly blame Katy Perry's recent song for this stereotype and I suppose the whole of Hollywood as well!
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My new friends from around the world! |
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My old friends being your stereotypical California Girls! |
Per request of Grandma and maybe some silent requests from those who care, here is a weekly schedule of mine!
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Morning: Wake up-slowly to the sound of the boys playing in the lounge, have coffee, make sure they eat breakfast, get dressed and ready for school, then drive off!
Mid-Morning: While Sam is at school, I clean the house, go to exercise classes, grocery shop, and starting next Wednesday help at Oli's school.
Afternoon: Pick Sam up from school play at home, the library, the park, etc until we pick up Oli from the bus stop.
Mid-Afternoon: "Can I go to Jack and Taylors?" "Can Oli come to my house?" are questions Caitlin and I hear EVERYDAY at the bus stop! So usually we all go hang out at their house! The kids have fun playing and we have fun talking!
Evening: Go home for dinner baths and bed! Then I jump on the computer to catch the night owl Californians for a chat!
Tuesday and Friday
Morning: Same as M, W, Th only Sam doesn't go to school so he gets ready for a day of fun while Oli gets ready for school!
Mid-morning: go somewhere with Sam, we have gone to the zoo, on a bush walk with Coco, played at Kindy. Actually that's mostly it because Oli has had a lot of holidays from school since I've been here so we all go somewhere together! It's different everyday and fun!
Afternoon: Take the boys to swim lessons on Tuesdays! But still hear the usual questions; "Can I go to Jack and Taylors?" "Can Oli come to my house?" and on Fridays usually go there or have Jack over for once!
Evening: dinner, baths, bed.
Weekends plan something with the girls on the weekend planning Facebook group and take too many pictures! The weekend planning group on Facebook constantly gives me notifications! The current lot of Facebook notifications are about planning to go out this weekend for Halloween-American style! I'm excited for that!
I promised I'd be better with my blog! I'm trying! Despite having no homework and way less commitments than I did in Cali, I'm somehow still busy enough to not post a blog as often as I'd like!