Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life on the Farm!

Gendie and Tim left me in charge of the kids and the farm for a few days! It's just Sam, Oli and me this week. Oh and Spooky and Scrappy--the goats, ten chickens and Coco--the dog! The boys are easy peasy, been there done that (knock on wood, chicken pox has been going around these parts). It's the farm that is quite entertaining for me to be in charge of! I laugh at the things I am doing and can't believe I am doing them!

I have had to untangle the goat's chains a few times. This involves either stepping on or holding down one side of the chain while the goat is running wild because it's scared to death of me (Spooky) or trying to eat my sweater (Scrappy). While managing the goat I have to figure out how to untangle the mess the goat made with the chain. All the while I am laughing, wondering how the heck the goat got into such a tangle. After what feels like thirty minutes of struggle and laughter, I feel victorious and like I had my work out for the day! Thanks Spooky and Scrappy for the entertainment and free exercise!   

I also am in charge of feeding the chickens at times when they are so hungry! They follow me around and peck at me! Then when I try to pour food in their dishes they crowd me and peck at my poor hands!  If you can imagine this suburban girl doesn't like when they crowd and peck at me! So I devised a throw-food-in-random-places-method to get them away so I can put the food in the right place!  

I'm hesitant to quote "Samantha from America" again because she already thinks she's famous being in my blog but...she knows me well. I like that she was shocked that I was taking care of a farm and that I was able to make her laugh with these stories. So she is why I posted a blog two nights in a row! 

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